Kitty Admiration Society
Hi, Cricket and Billie here to show our latest pictures taken with our friends!
We love Daisy the Curly Cat's Hallmark card! Momma snagged the last two at the card store. She was so excited! Someday Momma would like to see Cricket on a Halloween card and she thinks Billie would be a pretty Valentine.
Isn't Daisy fun? Only she could pull off a coconut bra. :)
Last week Momma DVR'd the TLC show featuring the Whiskers and Purrs gang with their Mommy Jenny. We really enjoyed their portion of the show.
Momma tried to leave a comment on their blog to let them know how much we like them, but their Wordpress wouldn't take the comment. She tried like 3 times and it wouldn't take. Oh well, we are still big fans!
Momma is still nervous about her bloodwork results. The idea that the Methotrexate is affecting her liver freaks her out a little bit. It was a possible side effect, but she didn't think she would have a problem because she never drinks alcohol and she has a pretty healthy diet. (well she does have a sweet tooth!) Now, she will probably have to try a new medication, but she is wondering if she should bother. Maybe after x-rays she will know what to do.
We will be popping in on everyone this week whenever we get a chance. Right now, momma has to go sweep up the kitchen. SOMEONE chewed a CAT HEAD SIZED HOLE into a bag of crunchies and now their are some scattered all over the floor. Then she must make sure we all have our lunch and see if the boy cats that visit are around outside.
Lots of Hugs and Purrs Everyone!
I loved seeing mom Jenny and all the wonderful kitties on the show! I thought she seemed so kind.
I am so excited and proud that you have my card. Thank you so much!
We haven't seen that show yet, but will try to catch it! And we can't seem to find Daisy's card! Mom's a bit peeved by that, she keeps checkin' the Hallmark store!
I enjoyed seeing mom Jenny and all of the kitties on TV. I've left some comments and I think they actually show up later (I hope).
Mom and I are so sorry about all of the problems with your new medicine. I hope the x-rays give you more information.
So the first question is who is the one that chewed through the bag - in our house it is usually one of the 2 oldest.
And we have been lucky - we found 5 Daisy Cards! We are going to use some when we send out our Paw it Forward packages! We noticed that not all Hallmarks have it so we were very excited to find enough (we actually found 3 at the grocery store in the card section - Daisy gets around!)
That stinks about your mom and her mediciation - I hope the x-rays will give some more info to help her out. In the meantime I hope you girls will be taking good care of her!! We will send out tons of purrs and prayers and good thoughts to try and help her feel a little better!
Isn't that Daisy's card the cutest thing?! I have it too. How nice about Jenny are her puddies too! All our kitty friends are getting famous.
Oh this is disappointing that your RA is festering and also effecting your liver. I hope the blood tests come back with some promising results and that you can start a new medicine to feel better. This is very discouraging I know it.
Please know that we are praying for you to get better.
I am so happy that you got Daisy's card and that you kitties are keeping your mom happy and... busy.
love and purr
Billie & Cricket would be very pretty on cards!
We hope things will be alright with all the x-rays & meds & stuff.
Oh, man! Wouldn't it be great if the pharmaceutical companies could come up with medicines that were good for you without also being bad for you? Daisy's card is great, but I haven't seen it around here yet.
We are sorry to hear that the meds are affecting your Momma's liver. We don't know anything about that kind of stuff but are sending purrs and soft woofs.
Tiki & Kesey
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