Hanging Around and Waiting for The New Year
Toeshee is such a man's mancat sometimes. He loves to wrestle and play fetch with Nerf gun darts. Maybe someday he will be Momma's little couch potato. :) Right now, he likes being the daddy's buddy.
I have been having just the worst RA flares since Christmas. My rib cage cartillage has been really inflamed. I have been taking a lot of pain reliever and resting. Today is the first day of several that I can sit upright and get some things done. I'm tired of it...
Did anyone else get the nasty winds this weekend? Ours came in late at night and while wide awake in bed I watched bright flashes of light from my window. My husband thinks they were electical wires snapping apart. There were lots of power outages the next day.
Saturday afternoon it rained and the temps rose into the 60's. That felt nice!
Nature is such a tease sometimes.
I hope everyone is looking forward to a Happy and Healthy New Year. I will do my best to start my visiting again. "Stoopid" flares!
The kitties and I send love and Purrs!
Toeshee looks so innocent and cute on his dad's arm!
I hope your flare-ups go away for a while and you can enjoy the New Year without pain.
I think little kitten is very good at being innocent~! Toeshee and Lego are very good about it~!!!
As long AS Michico leave me to go to the ladies room for example, Lego will run to me and started biting me very hard, and when Michico returns, he is back to innocent again. Oah Dear~~ Thanks for grandpa tell Michico every truth.
I hope you will have a very happy healthy and great wonderful new year~! There is always hope at new year~!!! And I will pray for you!
I am also glad I could know you at 2008!!! I am so happy !!
Happy New Year! I hope 2009 is a wonderful year for everybuddy!
Happy New Year Lorianna and many hugs & pettings to your kitties!
Happy New Year! I hope that the new year will bring you new relief from your flare-ups.
Here's wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful 2009!
Lorianna we are so sorry to read the RA flares have been so bad - we send you lots of big rumbly purrs to help you feel better. Please rest up lots, Billie is your best nurse we think.
Toeshee is sure looking cute there, what a Daddy's boy he is. Here's to him being a bit more polite in 2009 too! Hope your daughter's hand healed ok.
Rumbly purrs and love
Whicky, Angel, Oliver, Gerry & Mum
Toeshee sure is growing up fast, and very manly too!
Sorry to hear about your RA. We hope it gets better for you in 2009.
Happy New Year!
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