The other issue is with my hands and wrists. They hurt! I'm typing very slowly and trying to rest them as much as possible. Yesterday, while draining pasta I felt a snap in my wrist and a jolt of pain. I did not say anything to my family and now I'm wondering how I'm going to manage dinner tonight. I suppose I should have said something... I see my Rhuematalagist on the 20th so maybe we can discuss other options because I'm not feeling much better.
I posted pictures of my Fairy Garden today. Foxgloves, Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart, and Astilbe. And a pretty apricot lily and a Cody Cat getting some fresh air while I take pictures. : )
Toeshee goes back to the V E T tomorrow for his next pill for "werms". (Daisy term) I think he will get some blood drawn too. Poor kitty! Stop laughing Cricket! ; ) Then we have to make his appointment to get snipped. (Now Cody is laughing) Toeshee is still driving the big kitties crazy. He bites everyone! Everything is a toy to him.
It's warm and humid here today with sunlight filtering through the trees in a golden glow. I always notice that golden glow in August. The light just changes. Where is summer going?
Well I better get blog hopping while I can. Blogger has a supposed scheduled outage at 4:oo pm PDT and my little laptop is ready to fry eggs on.
I will see you all soon! I love you my friends! HUG! =^..^=
It sounds like life is always interesting around your house! At least your mom can maintain a sense of humor through her pain and frustrations!
My mom bought a brand new laptop computer in December and she had the same thing to happen to her fan three weeks ago. In the past three weeks, Dell has replaced the fan, the motherboard, the LCD and the backlight. Now, the computer guy is coming over again because the touch panel for sound and the CD isn't working. Mom is quite frustrated.
Mom says thanks for asking about her. She is on her third round of antibiotics and thinks she is going to turn into a PILL.
Oh No, sorry to hear about your wrist and the laptop. I hope the pain goes away soon. My laptop is on its way out too. However, I don't have the $$ to get a new one yet.
Your fairy garden is so beautiful!
Iron shirts by laptop, hahaha~! I think this is very funny thinking!
Oah My, let your hands take rest, ok? It's just too scary!! You should do too many hard work on hands!
I am praying and purring for Toeshee I hope he will be ok!!!! Good luck to the vet~!
Thanks for concerning about Adan, I think he is doing ok now~! Just need to wait for the time!!!!!
Oh noes! Computers always break at bad times. Be sure you save everything on an external hard drive just in case.
I hope your hands will feel better soon. Hands are important! I will purr for you. I hope it will help you!
My beloved friend Lorianna! Please I like my eggs medium well....I will bring the bacon. You are always on my mind...my thoughts wander over to you each day like little fairies buzzying across the country into your garden so sweet. Remember that whenever you feel down.
Blogging needs to be fun and easy for you right now without pressure. Please just make a post here and we will all come and read it and the updates. All of us kitties understand that we can not go and visit everyone all the time...some thing just has to give when the home front is beleagured with situations. Know how loved you are by all of us. You must take care of yourself. Having a new NAUGHTY kitten in the home can be added stress. Sometime the family doesn't seem like they are helping when they bring home more fur for you to care for. Sweet Praline is so right...you are a strong lady with a fun sense of humor. My mommy doesn't have one of those. She is Zcherman with red head furs!
Now you stay home and let us come and visit you! Oh and I will pour you a cup of wonderful pineapple mango passion fruit tea!
Gentle hugs from your Miss Peach
I have my laptop on a baking rack.
It helps with the air circulation.
If you have windows xp now, make sure you don't get one with Vista if you can help it when you go to buy a new one.
And NOW is a great time to buy a laptop = back to school sales.
(I wish I could afford a new one!)
Hope that Toshee's trip to the v-e-t is relatively painless!
lovely flowers - your garden looks very lush.
love ya my friend,
I'm testing to see if blogger is allowing comments. I see Praline's, but there are supposed to be 6.
Stupid Blogger...
Humid here, too, yesterday, and we had 3 hours of thunder last night! (I loved it!)
Thank you for your visit, your kindness, support and encouragement :^)
I can barely write a sheet of paper now, because of my wrists and fingers! My fingers very soon go almost floppy- they just won't grip the pen.
I have colour pencils that are a bit wider than normal and slip a soft foam tube over a bit of them, this way I can sketch for longer. But I'm very happy dabbling into papercrafts lately.
I've been taking a herb called Devil's Claw for over a month. It was recommended to me for arthritis when my elbow was bad a little while ago. I think it may be having an effect. I'm not pain free, but I'm definitely taking fewer anti-imflammatories than I normally do. Have you tried it?
I also have wrist supports, which I sometimes sleep in, but you can't DO much with them on, so I have little wrist bandages into which you can slip a heat pad. These are very effective. But perhaps not for summer!
I just left along message on here and it disappeared!!!!
We sure hope you are feeling better soon! These warm lazy days are just made for strolling the garden, and being a "copy cat" by napping. Then you can give your hands a rest!
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