I have a new laptop! It's a Dell that my husband ordered from Staples. It's orange! :) It's nice, but I really need to get used to it. I uploaded all of the pics in my camera and added the "cat flavor" for my Mozilla browser. I will take a picture of it and post it soon. I do miss my little laptop and I think I will use it once in a while until it croaks. It is nice to use one with a working battery though!
After giving my hands a bit of a rest they feel a little bit better. I finally fell asleep last night around 1:15 am! That needs to stop. How can I get anything done when I sleep in until 9:00am? That will change when school starts. I get up at 5:45 am to get lunches and coffee and breakfast going to get my daughter off to school. My husband does the morning carpool so he needs to be ready to go too.
Today I will try to do some blog visits before I do my grocery shopping. It's so nice outside, so maybe I will try to slip out for some sun on my joints for a bit too. ;)
Have a Really Happy Day Everyone!
Hi Lorianna! I took your advice and am having a cup of tea my German friend sent me. it is actually called "FEEL BETTER". it has apple lemon grass cinnamon for starters so it must be good. OK it tastes kind of bland...Dennis just made our lunch of srammbled eggs. Mine with parmesan and his with shrimp. At least I finally have something in my tummy now. I understand you when you say we need to get to bed earlier. I like my quiet night hours to wander about reading posts on our friends bloggies.
I need to shop also but do not want to take a chance of getting sick again...so we better just eat what we have and be thankful of it. Oh but I want an English muffin with butter and jelly right now! I also need cat food for our outdoor visitor...he comes for breakfast and dinner:) He might make a good trash can cat if he stays in the garden.
I am always thinking about you each day...love Karla
Hi Lorianna!
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. The doctor had to put me on the third round of antibiotics because the second one was tearing up my stomach! I still have the terrible sniffles and headache, but I am determined that I am not going back to the doctor any time soon. Famous last words, huh!
Praline will be taken care by a pet sitter next week. Usually my mom and dad will check on her when I am out of town, but dad is going with me and mom is going to visit her brother and my sister. The pet sitter is really good, but you always wonder about someone watching over your fur baby.
I will definitely keep up with the blog while I am out of town. I also feel that I am trying to stay up too late to keep up with all of the bloggers. I guess it is part of my "type A" personality.
I hope you and Karla are doing better soon!
Dear Lorianna,
I am so glad you have new laptop, and your hand is a little bit better~!! Please keep rest more until it recover completely.
I know letting hand rest is very difficult, basicly, I can't rest that much either~!
Toeshee looks very adorable, and I am glad he is good and healthy~!!! What a lovely kid!
I wish you have a nice fine weekend!
Toshee does have a cute tummy. I am glad that you got a new laptop. I hope you have many happy hours with it.
Hooray for your new laptop! I am also glad that your hands are feeling a little better.
Maybe Toeshee will calm down a little after he has his hoo-ha-ectomy!
Sorry we haven't returned your visit! Our beans claim they have been busy, (yeah, right!) So sorry to hear your hands are hurty, we hope you are feeling better now. A new laptop - fun! in orange too, hee, hee. Enjoy. We have a new-to-us motherboard - we were hoping this computer wood be faster tho. Mom loves all the pics of your flowers. Also, the picture of Toeshee's tummy - furry cute. Growing up tho, hope all goes well with his trip to da vet.
Have a great weekend!
Mindy & Moe
That Toeshee tummy is tops!
Who can *not* smile when seeing that!
Yay for a new laptop!!!!
OO rub that tummy for me!
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