It's Not the Momma Monday! Mo is the most loving, sweetest, dedicated animal lover around. He puts in so much time, money and Love and Tears into all of the fur babies that come to him in need. He is, in my mind The Patron Saint Of Cats.
He has five kitties of his own and always willingly takes in a stray kitty that needs fostering. Trust me, multiple cat house holds can be quite challenging!
Whenever he fosters, he has to play "musical cats" to avoid fights and the spread of illness until he can get the foster kitty to the V E T.
Ever try herding cats? :)
When he finds a home for the foster kitty, Mo always goes through such a bittersweet emotional time; happy for the cat and sad because, of course, he has become attached. The kitty also becomes quite fond of Not the Momma because Mo is just so kind and has so much love to give.
So, lets all wish Not the Momma a Happy Not the Momma Monday!
Oh, this was not my idea (because I'm not that organized) But, I don't know if she wishes to remain anonymous or not. I have a feeling though, that a lot of Mo fans received this wonderful idea and the cute pictures in their in box!
(I do know she has a feline brood of her own)
I'll pop over for visits as much as I can this week. Hugs everyone! And an Extra Big Hug for NTM!
I know what a special friend Mo is to you....it is such an honor to celebrate such a wonderful guy!
Maybe you can send me your phone #, I would love to chat with you. kjacks2 AT charter DOT net
Hooray for Not The Mama! He really deserves this so much!
Yay for Mo!
Hope your Monday is going well!
We did not check our email this weekend but we found it this morning! We ♥ NTM bunches!
It was such an honor to celebrate Not The Mama today! You certainly did a wonderful post for him today!
Yes, we had the graphics in our email also.
Mom says to tell you thank you for the kind and encouraging words while we were both recuperating. Mom went back to work today and I am doing a little better. Still being a finicky eater.
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