and all the while this curious cat
Lies crouching on the Chinese mat
With eyes of satin rimmed with gold
~ Oscar Wilde~
Cody is waiting for trick or treaters, well, practicing waiting anyway.
Usually on Halloween night he is hiding in the house nice and safe away from all of those scary kids and their stomping feet.
He doesn't like Halloween because of all the loud children, doesn't like the 4th of July because of the booming fireworks and he hates garbage trucks and thunderstorms. I guess Cody is the true definition of "scaredy cat."
He's just so sweet and mild mannered though. A true gentlemancat. :)
It's very cold here. Billie has been snoozing all day in the bathroom. I think if there were room for a cot I would join her! It's cozy warm in there.
I hope everyone is having a great week so far!
Noisy things make us run for cover too! That includes Trick or Treaters.
Thanks for the kind words you left on our blog. The kindness of the catblogging community is incredible!
Stay warm!
Praline doesn't like the loud kids on Halloween or the fireworks either. Praline has been trying to be "scary" for Halloween, but I guess she is just too cute to be scary, so we will focus on the cuteness for Halloween.
The doctor wants me to have a complete physical to rule out any problems with all of the issues I've had the past two years.
It's supposed to get close to freezing here tonight! Yech!
I must say that we are not too crazy about strange scary sticky people coming to our house either ;)
It will be getting colder this weekend.Mom will turn up the heat a bit and we will lay on the floor vents !!! Mmmmmmmmmmmm,warm :)
Purrs Mickey
Noisy is really annoying to me as well. I hope you could find the peace moment :)
Sleeping in the bathroom sounds very neat to me, hahaha~~ Problaly bathroom in our country is not warm at all :p
I am glad that Billie has found a nice warm spot to snooze. Being scared of loud noises is normal for cats, and dogs, too, come to think of it. I am not terribly fond of really loud thunder myself.
I always get so excited about Halloween, and then when the doorbell starts ringing, I run and hide under the bed.
The dogs among us don't have to worry about being afraid of noise. If they hear a blade of grass sigh, they have to make enough noise to scare the neighbors.
Bhu sez: Oh Billie, me so gladz U feelz a little better. Me back to normal, and me and mai mom hopez U get back to normal, too!! U look so KEWT in your witch hat and wig on Floof & Fur Holohween blog!! xxxooo Bhu
Keep all your kitties inside this Halloween!
Sending HUGS and TREAT to you and your furry kiddos!
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