I have noticed she is moving more slowly now that the arthritis has been pointed out. It is in her hips. I can sympathize. Hip pain is so uncomfortable and has sidelined me many times. She never complains though, until I start to comb and brush around them. I can't blame her. I think everyone's purrs and prayers are working as far as her eating. I don't know if she'll gain any weight, but hopefully she can maintain it and not lose more. She's barely 5 pounds. Toeshee is close to 7! He's almost 7 months old and we're wondering how big he is going to be.
He is so, so naughty still! He jumps into the sink even when it has dirty dishes in it and tries to drink the "spooty" water. He will actually scale the backdoor frame and using his front legs for strength and all of his claws he will make it almost to to the top which is over 8 feet tall! He is an adorable and exhausting kitty. We have some moments of Momma /kitty bonding, but I am having a hard time connecting with him. I think it's just the kitten phase and as long as he gets affection and knows he is loved Toeshee will become a nice kittyboy. (I hope!)
It's hard to divide my time between four kitties a teenage girl and a husband who comes home tired and cranky from work. I feel as if I'm pulled in so many directions, and I wonder where the hours of the day go.
Well, Billie and I are still taking one day at a time. ...Oh, I just got up a minute ago and she wanted toe eat again! Yay Billie! (actually all 4 wanted nom noms) :)
I have so many blogs to visit. I just want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and comments. I am so worried about losing Billie, or any of my kitties. They are what keeps me going because they need me.
We send you hugs and purrs!
Yippee! We are so glad to hear that Billie is doing a little bit better! Now we will purr twice as hard!!!!
Yes!!! I am so glad to hear that Billie is doing a little better and that she is eating and is out from under the couch! I will continue to purr for her.
Mom says she is keeping special thoughts of Billie's mom too!
I forgot to tell you, I left an award for Billie on my blog today. Please come by and get it.
I'm glad to hear that Billie is ok. My old kitty Trouble was very dainty too as she got older. Your new little one will calm down eventually! Sorry I haven't posted recently. I've been bad about commenting. I'll get better though!
BTW, did you watch the season premier of Sanctuary on SciFi? And haven't there been some fabulous investigations on Ghost Hunters??
Happy to hear she's a little better... we'll keep praying for her (and all of you!). Take care.
It is most excellent that Billie is wanting to eat. My brother Harley just turned 7 months old and he is almost 9 pounds already!
Look after yourself and the kitties . We will visit you :) Kitty phases are hard,but they do end :)
Give Billie a hug for me!
Purrs Mickey
I am so glad that Billie is eating better. I feel sympathy for her arthritis. I will keep her and you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hullo! Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog :)
Is Billie on a special diet for her kidney function? Fluffy is on a special "renal function" diet for a year now- she actually prefers dty food, (she is so vain, I reckon she just hates the risk of gravy getting on her fur). There are lots of different brands. Currently she likes "Purina Veterinary Diets". Scooter is on one of their packs, too, except his is for "obesity management" :)
Scooter has arthritis- in his time he has had tennis elbow (WHAT the??) and spondylitis of the spine. He has been on a supplement of glucosamine, chondroitin & devil's claw. It amounts to half a tablet a day, crushed, and hidden in a little fish paste, the type you can get for sandwiches. It has really helped him. This summer I saw him lying in the sun belly-up- it has been too painful for him to lie that way for so long!
If you'd like more info or links to see some of these products let me know. They have really helped my kitties.
BTW, I saw FLuffy last weekend and I couldn't find the lump. I really tried to feel it, but I can't find it at all! Wa-hey!
Love and cuddles to Billie....
That is good news about Bille - we're glad she's eating regularly and maintaining her weight. As for Toeshee, well it looks like you're just gonna have to wait for him to grow up before he calms down,
We'll keep purring and purraying for Billie to stay well,
Gypsy & Tasha
Bhu and I are very happy to hear Billie is doing better!! Hooray! We are purr-aying for her! xxoo Patty
So glad to hear Billie is eating and that she has a comfy place to hang out. Aches & pains are no fun for either people or cats.
Toshee sounds like such a cutie, even though he's disguised as a tornado! He'll mellow down as he gets older. Enjoy the distraction he provides.
We say "spooty" all the time at our house. Did you watch "Angry Beavers" on Nickelodian too?
Oh Lorianna.....we did not know Billie was sick. With my mom gone all week this is the first time we have had to log in. Billie only weighs 5 pounds? That is super small. I sure hope she starts eating a lot more! I only weigh 7 pound myself, so I know how it is to be small. We think Misty has lost a little weight lately too....mom says she can feel her spine...we have not taken her in the the vet for a long time, and maybe we need to.
Maybe you can give Billie some extra Party Mix? Guess what? My mom searched for Party Mix at different stores and could not find it till today! She bought us 3 flavors and we all give Party Mis a big paws up!
WE are purring for Billie......maybe a little tuna or lightly grilled salmon might help?
--JB and JB's mom
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