Rocking around the Christmas Tree
Hello, Cricket here. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and received all the gifts you wanted, no matter how Naughty you were.
I like to perch by the tree to relax and admire the lights. If you Bigafy this last picture though you can see who decided to pretend to be a pressie and sit under the tree. Pesky little bother Toeshee!
The Teenagergirl is on the mend slowly from her tonsilectomy. She is still quite hurty and taking a medicine for pain. She is eating soft food like mashed potatoes and soup and ice cream. Stuff she likes anyway, so that's good.
Momma is trying to help us blog and visit whenever she gets a free moment. She is looking forward to a quiet night alone in the family room with just us kitties and some lit candles and a cup of tea. She has been fighting the joint hurties, so we must be patient with her.
We hope you all are having a fantastic holiday week and we look forward to checking in on you all soon!
~love and naughtiness`` Cricket~
I see Toeshee!!! So sorry to hear that the Teenage girl is hurty. Hope she is better soon.
Hi Cricket! You sure are pretty citting next to the tree like that!
We did biggafy & yup....we see him lurking under the tree!
We had a fun Christmas...but we're glad it's okay to be naughty again! It's so hard being good all the time!
We see Toeshee too!!! You look lovely sitting by the tree. We're being naughty too!
Hi Cricket! We saw Toeshee too! We hope the teenagegirl is better soon - we know tonsilectomies hurt a lot. We are sending her lots of feel better purrs and prayers! And we hope your mom feels better too - we are sending her some go away joint pain purrs and prayers!
Now that Santa Claws has come to visit you all. We hope that you are still going to be good kitties still. Thanks for sharing. We hope you are having a great holiday season and have a happy upcoming new year.
World of Animals
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